Mental Health Awareness Month

sanity flags

The very last thing Herbert Armstrong wanted for anyone was Mental Health Awareness. He wanted people to be slaves to him and the last thing he wanted was for people to have freedom. His method was to lie to them, confuse them, oppress them, practice deception on them, to steal from them and make a great pretense that what he was doing was sane.

In like manner, the last thing Roderick Meredith, David Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ronald Weinland, Robert Thiel, David Malm, Aaron Dean, Yisrael Hawkins, John and Richard Ritenbaugh, Clyde Kilough, Mark Armstrong, David Hulme, Wade Cox, nck, Dixon Cartwright and others want is for people, particularly people who may follow them, to be sane because it just isn’t profitable for them. They use distortions and excuses to keep people confused and confined to their little ghettos.

In short, the sects of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia Nazis are bad for your mental health. Don’t criticize. Don’t investigate. Don’t ask questions. Don’t oppose them. That’s what they want. In order to do what they want, you have to abandon science, technology, engineering, math, logic and sanity. You must accept British Israelism worst science fiction ever. You need to go into an altered state of magical whimsy to accept their debunked rubbish. Accepting what they say means that you must take leave of your senses.

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President Donald Trump has declared May Mental Health Awareness Month, but it has been around from 1949 since Mental Health America and their affiliates have led observance of May as Mental Health Month by reaching millions of people through the media, local events and screenings. WP Tavern issued a blog entry on May 4th about WP Hugs, a community devoted to educating, discussing and raising awareness of Mental Health. Other organizations and agencies are joining in to help people to achieve sanity. Armstrongism, of course, is not among them for obvious reasons: They want you to adapt to them so they can enslave you.

Mental Health America provides a segment on risky business, warning about the potential of disruption to mental health involving Marijuana use, sex, prescription drug abuse, Internet addiction, compulsive buying and exercise extremes. We have a few of our own to add:

  • Alcohol use for alcoholics
  • lack of sleep
  • being around and associating with people with mental problems
  • excessive continuous anger
  • being subject to oppressive authorities
  • abuse
  • attacks by bullies
  • attacks by narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths
  • being subject to people with borderline personality disorder

The Journal Armstrongism Insanity

Certainly Armstrongism has most of these dangers embedded within them.

What can you do for yourself?

If you are some sect of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia Nazis, you need to leave and take as many people as you can with you. It is dangerous not only for your mental health but for your well being and the well being of your loved ones, particularly the most vulnerable, such as children or seniors. Make this May the end point of your association with the evil and craziness of the ACoGs to achieve better mental health.

Sanity or Crazy? Signpost!
Sanity or Crazy? Signpost!

The Perfect Red Heiferā„¢

The Perfect Red Heiferā„¢

Armstrongism is on the nutty fringes of the outer limits of human belief, some how made to seem perfectly reasonable until some objective analysis is done by societal standards and scientific observation. How is it that if you don’t agree with the daft rubbish that some how it’s your fault and you just don’t understand?

The Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia isn’t the only daft religion and the new series, Dig on the USA Network brings to light what happens when extreme religion goes to great lengths to insure the establishment of their view of the world:

The really scary thing is that the creators of the series did a lot of research and found that there is a basis for what they present: They may have dramatized, but there are groups out there plotting and scheming to do the things portrayed in the show, to bring about the apocalypse, Armageddon or something (we’ll know more as the series unfolds). Look at Dig – inside the Episode: Episode 1:

About midway, they bring to light the story of the red heifer. As they say, if you Google the “red heifer” you will see there are people who believe that this could happen. Do you have questions? You will be rewarded. Of course, you will end up with ever more questions. Be warned: These groups aren’t just messin’ around. They’re serious. This is life and death stuff to them. Dig deeper — to coin a phrase, trust no one.

The red heifer is being raised in Norway. The Rabbis inspect the newly birthed heifer to see if there are any stray hairs that are black, which would absolutely ruin the sacrifice — but thankfully, this particularly young cutie is perfect for sacrifice, and so we are off and running. Apparently, the red heifer sacrifice is really, really, really important to Jewish prophecy for some reason. It doesn’t make sense to me, but it sure does to them.

It turns out that there is a connection to Armstrongism. The USA Network TV series is about people of extreme faith and the lengths they will go to when they believe God is on their side. Of course, He isnā€™t, so you can be certain this will all end in tears. Nevertheless, one of the features of the series is the Jews seeking out the Perfect Red Heiferā„¢ for some sort of funky sacrifice signifying theā€¦ well.. itā€™s not clear, but itā€™s truly important to somebody to bring about the end of days, the coming of the Messiah or something.

I know The Perfect Red Heiferā„¢ well. In the WCG, I knew a Jewish lady and her husband who certainly was in the center of things ā€” at least in her own mind. She was a prophecy buff, and the main reason she joined up with Armstrongism was the prophecy of the end times. Of course, you know that couldnā€™t have lasted, particularly with the advent of the Tkach era, so she and her husband hied off to the Messianic Jews in hopes to find more of what she wanted. I was in her home one Sabbath post-WCG and she nattered on and on about The Perfect Red Heiferā„¢ rather obsessively. I told her about the Herbert Armstrong incest and she accepted it, saying that it did not surprise her.

Well, here it is over a decade later and Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s still looking for that Perfect Red Heiferā„¢. She was certain over 10 years ago that the Jews already had one picked for sacrifice on the altar to bring the Messiah or some such. Iā€™d say that the best use of the Perfect Red Heiferā„¢ is stew meat by this time if the poor thing is still alive.

Itā€™s just plain nuts.

And the Cult of Herbert Armstongism Mafia sects arenā€™t much different than this kooky Jewish lady looking for the coming of the Perfect Red Heiferā„¢.

Holy cow!

It never ceases to amaze how extreme Armstrongists can be: Strongly held daft cult ideas which just has to be!

This is just one such example.

Kudos to USA Network.

Although… here’s hoping it doesn’t give anyone any ideas….