The world that some psychopaths plan for us all. Both free man and slave.
One comenter wrote:
The Painful Truth-Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God
Understanding the psychology of religious seduction and spiritual abuse.
The world that some psychopaths plan for us all. Both free man and slave.
One comenter wrote:
Armstrongists live in a dystopian Matrix virtual world where nothing is as it seems: They are preoccupied with what the Architect of the Matrix wants them to see — such things as future events cast in concrete, described to be a major transformation in what they will experience. The people who live in the Matrix form a specialized social group apart from real world experiences. In this society, they believe they are a select unique manifestation superior to others and they believe that the persons next to them share their hopes and dreams. They also trust that the people around them in the Matrix are their friends and will remain true to them forever, no matter what, in their shared experience.
1 year ago