Trump moves into the White House!

Trump is moving into the White house today among the filth, feces and drug addicts.

I, hardheaded cynic that I am, I do think we should have been concerned that Biden had access to weapons of mass destruction. This old and senile man who could barely mutter a coherent sentence, who would be more at home with a family of Archaeopterygidae’s spent 4 long years tearing down America, flooding it with those valedictorian’s who rape and murder our fellow citizens. Ā For some these development’s are a sign that a brave new world has arrived. For others it marks the beginning of the end of civilization.

They won’t accept themselves, but these folks want us to accept them? The inability to fully love ones self likely comes from rooted insecurities.

The only reason I canā€™t work up enough indignation about that is sheer indignation fatigue. Iā€™m exhausted from continually having to think about how Biden should have been placed long ago in a locked psychiatric unit.

Anyone who follows todayā€™s debates on immoralism and, by happenstance, is also familiar with Biden’s unprofessional screeds is struck by that old truism: Joe doesnā€™t care about freedom as he can neither eat it nor put it in the bank. Itā€™s just a word to him. One personality trait thatā€™s common to many effete drunkards is arroganceā€”a trait that Biden has in abundance. This is not rhetoric. This is reality. Hereā€™s a question for you: To what gods does the senile old fuck pledge allegiance? The gods of misoneism and sciolism? The gods that seem most likely to command him to unleash an unparalleled wave of gangsterism? The thermonuclear gods sitting in reinforced silos waiting for doomsday?

Ā As we all know, Biden doesn’t run the country.Ā 

Hunter Biden

The Biden administration pushed hard for DEI. Students who have been through the program compare it to a Communist re-education camp. The man who bought us deeper into the world of tranny’s (Obama started this shit along with the America is racist mantra) was telling us basically that these pantywaists are a wonderful people, who bring us culturally enriching experience’s one drag show after another. While the sale of narcotics is still illegal, the instilling of moral poison is not? Who would have believed that this crap 4 years ago? Its as if old Joe has spent the last four years following Obama’s script trying to impale us on Morton’s fork.

There is no fire in Hell hot enough for the Biden clan. They are corrupt grifters and influence peddlers

Threat to democracy is the new raciest mantra.

The stakes in a war of ideas are high for they include the very concept of freedom itself. Ā Biden, not burdened with an unbearable weight of comprehensionā€”or capacity for itā€”warrants that he can do no wrong. Like many, you may have realized that the Biden administration is the enemy of everything good. It follows from this that a number of unforgiving, macabre saboteurs have been found carrying out preventive operationsĀ (that meansĀ targeted killings) against his adversaries. It is vital that there be a thorough, credible investigation into Biden in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability in these cases. As for me, I have no bombs, no planes, no artillery, and no terrorist plots. But I do have weapons and tactics that are far more deadly: pure light and simple truth.

And with the end of Biden’s presidency, we can at least cerebrate for now,
for we are now unburdened by what has been!



Klaus Schwab’s Wet Dream

The elite believe they are a more advanced form of human. In order to justify their belief they grafted Darwin’s theories of biological evolution onto social organization to createĀ Social Darwinism. Over the centuries they have referred to the public variously as cattle, sheep and “its” (as Plato did inĀ The Republic) and Social Darwinism is merely the modern expression of this attitude and their elitist belief system. Under this belief system only those that have proven their worth over many generations of dominance and control are worthy of entrance into high elite circles.

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