Worshiping Narcissists
Mental Health Awareness Month
The very last thing Herbert Armstrong wanted for anyone was Mental Health Awareness. He wanted people to be slaves to him and the last thing he wanted was for people to have freedom. His method was to lie to them, confuse them, oppress them, practice deception on them, to steal from them and make a great pretense that what he was doing was sane.
In like manner, the last thing Roderick Meredith, David Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ronald Weinland, Robert Thiel, David Malm, Aaron Dean, Yisrael Hawkins, John and Richard Ritenbaugh, Clyde Kilough, Mark Armstrong, David Hulme, Wade Cox, nck, Dixon Cartwright and others want is for people, particularly people who may follow them, to be sane because it just isn’t profitable for them. They use distortions and excuses to keep people confused and confined to their little ghettos.
In short, the sects of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia Nazis are bad for your mental health. Don’t criticize. Don’t investigate. Don’t ask questions. Don’t oppose them. That’s what they want. In order to do what they want, you have to abandon science, technology, engineering, math, logic and sanity. You must accept British Israelism worst science fiction ever. You need to go into an altered state of magical whimsy to accept their debunked rubbish. Accepting what they say means that you must take leave of your senses.
President Donald Trump has declared May Mental Health Awareness Month, but it has been around from 1949 since Mental Health America and their affiliates have led observance of May as Mental Health Month by reaching millions of people through the media, local events and screenings. WP Tavern issued a blog entry on May 4th about WP Hugs, a community devoted to educating, discussing and raising awareness of Mental Health. Other organizations and agencies are joining in to help people to achieve sanity. Armstrongism, of course, is not among them for obvious reasons: They want you to adapt to them so they can enslave you.
Mental Health America provides a segment on risky business, warning about the potential of disruption to mental health involving Marijuana use, sex, prescription drug abuse, Internet addiction, compulsive buying and exercise extremes. We have a few of our own to add:
- Alcohol use for alcoholics
- lack of sleep
- being around and associating with people with mental problems
- excessive continuous anger
- being subject to oppressive authorities
- abuse
- attacks by bullies
- attacks by narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths
- being subject to people with borderline personality disorder
Certainly Armstrongism has most of these dangers embedded within them.
What can you do for yourself?
If you are some sect of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia Nazis, you need to leave and take as many people as you can with you. It is dangerous not only for your mental health but for your well being and the well being of your loved ones, particularly the most vulnerable, such as children or seniors. Make this May the end point of your association with the evil and craziness of the ACoGs to achieve better mental health.