Here is a oldie but goody…
Some ten years later I began my career as a college English teacher. Over the next thirty-five years I regularly told this story to students, always reassuring them that I would never award them a grade they had not earned. I would conclude by saying, “I don’t want you to lose respect for me the way I lost respect for Roderick Meredith.”
2018. The Year in Review
The Churches of God have invested millions to shape the minds of the membership. If they can control the minds of everyone, who will stand for the righteousness and good of the entire body?
Twisted minds invent twisted religions
The last post “Twisted religions are invented by twisted minds” continues with this post titled “Twisted minds invent twisted religions”.
From William Hinson’s Broadway to Armageddon (1977).
As we continue with chapter 4 we will read about healing, dress, and drunkenness at the feast. In addition we have a Negro the church discriminated against when applying for entrance to Ambassador College. And last we learn of Rod Meredith’s lack of faith by going to a doctor for a detached retina.