The Pastor General’s Song

The Pastor General’s Song



Based on The Major-General’s Song, from The Pirates of Penzance, Gilbert and Sullivan.




I am a very model of a modern Pastor General,
Which I will be forever as my office is perennial!

I know the other splinters and tell them they’re heretical,
From ABC to UCG, I denounce in words hysterical,

I proved that I am on the top in ranking hierarchical,
The splinter leaders’ titles I find to be most farcical!

As number one in leadership, from early this centennial,
I am the very muddle of a modern Pastor General!

I’ve information I confuse by making facts statistical,
And when accused of doing this I tend to go ballastical,

When challenged by a writer who thinks he is prophetical,
I simply toss his words around and say that he’s pathetical!

By crying out the other COGs are soon to be ephemeral,
I showed I am the very model of a muddled Pastor General!

2 Replies to “The Pastor General’s Song”

  1. Unfortunately for Davey, he doesn’t even have what it takes to be a modern major general (we have doubts he can solve quadratic equations at minimum).

    Davey should Pack it in because he is an incompetent boob. The only possible qualification is that he polished up the handle on the big front door of Ambassador Hall.

    He’s a buffoon with money and a following.

    It’s too bad Gilbert and Sullivan aren’t around to make musicals about him.

  2. One of the comments on YouTube goes like this: “But i think that this is a good? portrayal, after all, we can see that he only became the “ruler of the queen’s navy” because of politics and favours by important people, he had never served or aquired knoledge of such affairs, he only worked at offices and was able to raise in a bureaucratic career.”

    Not so with Dave Pack. He declared a close relationship with Armstrong but failed to be anointed Pastor General in Chief. He preaches by no authority. HWA credentials were suspended when he hijacked (sheep stealing) the members from another church. Same with Pack. His authority is no authority. Then we have Bob Thiel but that’s another foul story!

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