Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine | Jim Wald | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

Found this on the web.

It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.

Read more: Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars | Jim Wald | The Blogs | The Times of Israel http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/#ixzz3RAo6yuRR
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Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine | Jim Wald | The Blogs | The Times of Israel.

14 Replies to “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine | Jim Wald | The Blogs | The Times of Israel”

  1. Whether Jews live in Palestine or Ukraine (or both, as they seem to be scheming to do) they are a menace to the human race and must be dealt with. Bobby Fischer dedicated himself to exposing the Jews. Too bad nobody listened.

    1. Some racist, on another blog this past summer, insinuated that he had been molested by rabbis as a young boy. A former ACOG member who had been the victim of domestic abuse by her husband, and now has a black boy friend, took that individual to task for his attitudes and when it escalated, the black boyfriend who had never been part of Armstrongism also began posting. The guy that hated Jews went into a meltdown, even using obscenities and the “N” word. I had never seen anything like it on an ACOG dissident forum. They got the best of the Jew hater, and he disappeared for months, but suddenly, it seems as if he may have resurfaced. His posts are a pretty darned accurate IQ test.


  2. This is the theory which some of die hards in the ACOGs are using to refute the use of genetic science in disproving British Israelism. Basically, they are saying that the Jews of today are not the real Jews, so therefore, of course there wouldn’t be the common mitichondrial alleles amonst the Jews and Anglo Saxons. This Khazar-Ashkenaz theory is held in serious question amongst the vast majority of scholars, who recommend treating it with caution. However, there have certainly been other groups throughout history who have converted to Judaism. Josephus tells us that the Idumeans did so when conquered by the Jewish Army. In fact, Herod the Great was Idumean.


  3. Dr. Harry Ostrer, in his 2012 book “Legacy, a Genetic History of the Jewish People” refuted any large scale genetic contribution to the Ashkenazi from the Turkic Khazars.

    A 2013 study by Behar & others showed no evidence of Khazar origin.

    I ran across at least ten other books and studies in researching this out, and they all come to the same conclusion based on dna evidence.

    I think we will probably see this Khazar theory from time to time, mostly advanced by the “He was right!” crowd. But, it is yet another attempt to cultivate a secret conspiracy theory, and to use it to explain all of the other secret conspiracy theories.


      1. When I first saw this raised as an issue in the Journal sometime last summer, I knew that it was going to be something that we eventually had to deal with. The Journal, while often a good source of news and rumor, is not a good forum for real time debate and discussion. That is why I was glad to see the issue raised here. You have kept us ahead of the curve so that we can dispatch it early on in the cycle.

        I’ve come to realize that even if they do read here, the ACOG ministers are not going to voluntarily suspend or refrain from teaching the proprietary errors of Armstrongism. The errors and heresies are part of the basic franchise package. We can make a difference on the level of individual members, by exposing them to the truth, and causing them to ask the right questions.


  4. What are you saying Bob? That gauuds holy ministers are liars?

    Of course they are! What else can they do for a living? Pedaling armstrongism outside the dwindling group of suckers would soon prove fruitless.

  5. Obama admitted on videos (which I have seen and which anyone can find) that he was not born in the USA. He also gave Americans the finger. On video. The MSM ignores these facts. That alone is proof something is SERIOUSLY wrong. Obviously there must be a huge concerted effort (i.e. conspiracy) to keep these facts from the public. Anyone who has heard these things and still denies it is part of the problem and is anti-American. The establishment is anti-American, so we must be anti-Establishment.

    About this author of this comment:
    City: Brampton
    Latitude:43.6885 (43° 41? 18.60? N)
    Longitude:-79.7616 (79° 45? 41.76? W)

  6. That a person from Canada would post such things goes against my experiences with the many Canadian people whom I have known as friends. I can’t recall ever having met a single, solitary antisemitic Canadian. There were some who enjoyed telling ethnic jokes occasionally, but that was not really too much of a deviation from societal norms back then.

    This person from Brampton must have either become very warped by Armstrongist teachings, or had some bad experiences he or she is not sharing. The Canadians opened up their borders to all of the slaves who were attempting to escape through the old Underground Railway, and took in numerous people who had issues with the Viet Nam war, many of whom were Jews and people of color.


  7. This someone from the land of Terrance and Phillip has a bone to pick with you Bob. They can carry this elsewhere along with their rather negative concoctions.

  8. James, I can’t imagine why conspiracy hobbyists or racists would be so desperate to convince me that their point of view was beneficial to my mental health or functionality as a human being, but some of these guys really have a burr in their saddle about this stuff.

    Oh well, as Douglas would remind us, DSM-V.


  9. ‘James, I can’t imagine why conspiracy hobbyists or racists would be so desperate to convince me that their point of view was beneficial to my mental health or functionality as a human being…’

    Their spreading disinformation and hatred. Its who they are.

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