2014 Global Natural Disasters Down Big Time!

The Geneva-Switzerland based International Federation of the Red Cross recently released its 2014 Natural Disaster Report. The news is very good.

The report can be found HERE.

Down Again: 2014 Catastrophe Losses Below Average
Global natural disasters in 2014 combined to cause economic losses of USD132 billion, 37 percent below the ten-year average of USD211 billion. The losses were attributed to 258 separate events, compared to the ten-year average of 260. The disasters caused insured losses of USD39 billion, 38 percent below the ten-year average of USD63 billion and was the lowest insured loss total since 2009. This was the second consecutive year with below normal catastrophe losses. Notable events during the year included major flooding in India, Pakistan, China, and Southeast Europe; billion-dollar convective thunderstorm events in the United States, France, and Germany; winter storms in Japan and the United States; and widespread drought in the United States and Brazil. The top three perils, flood, tropical cyclone, and severe weather, combined for 72 percent of all economic losses in 2014. Despite 75 percent of catastrophe losses occurring outside of the United States, it still accounted for 53 percent of global insured losses, driven by a higher insurance penetration.

90% less deaths under the 10 year average

A total of 8186 people died in 2014 because of natural disasters. Bild reports: “2014 the number of deaths from natural disasters was almost 90 percent under the 10-year average of 76500 deaths.” That’s hugely good news, but you’d never know it hearing the Thiel or Meredeath!

Lowest amount of disasters in 10 years

According to the IFRC, in 94 countries there were a total of 317 floods, earthquakes, forest fires, cyclones and a number of other nature events with deaths. Lowest number in 10 years.

Hurricane landfalls

The 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season marked the ninth consecutive year in which the U.S. did not sustain a major Category 3+ landfalling hurricane, which extends the all time record by another year. It was also the quietest season in terms of named storms since 1997.”

Tornado activity in the U.S.A.

For the third consecutive year, tornado season in the United States was one of the least active since Doppler radar began being deployed in the early 1990s.

Violent tornadoes on the decrease

Since 1950, the overall trend of higher-end tornadoes rated at F3/EF3 and above has remained nearly flat and shows a slight annual decrease of 0.8 percent. A comparable 1.2 percent annual decrease is also found when looking at dependable data since the advent of Doppler radar in 1990. When breaking down data to just the last 10 years, there has been a similar nearly flat growth at 0.5 percent.

As you know, the ACOG’s leadership preaches destruction by nature as a judgement from God. They are in the same league as the global warmers with all their propaganda bullshit and made up facts. Really, what is the difference between these two groups? They both promote fear to advance an agenda. And to know their agenda is to know that their primary motivation is self-enrichment and control at the expense of gullible people.

It is knowledge that unlocks the shackles of bondage. Don’t let these morons from both groups confuse you into believing that our only chance of saving the planet is to accept unending regulations and straight-jacket “reforms”. Or that we need to start practicing a bronze age religion in order to please some bronze age god who hasn’t made an appearance in over 2000 years. And may I add, if you think that your cult leader is God’s true representative on Earth, then maybe you should enroll in Introduction to Reality 101 at your local Jr. college. Perhaps someday you will learn to think for yourself.


  • James

    The Worldwide church of God attempted to annihilate peoples personality, individuality, will, and character. The stranded souls that hitched their wagon to this organization unknowingly supported a power-hungry pharisaic and fastuous authoritative cult leader and his son, Garner Ted Armstrong. For all the alarums and excursions, the fact remains that without knowing it, we nurtured these two ungrateful incubi's. For that I can only ask for forgiveness. After my WCG experience, I went to college to educate myself so I would have a greater understanding of the world about me and to understand why I ever fell for HWA's scam religion. This lead me to the conclusion that the appropriate action to take, in my judgment, is to provide people with opportunities to learn, develop, and exercise their potential as human beings, by freeing them from men who exploit and abuse them. This website and others are my vehicle to do just that.

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4 Replies to “2014 Global Natural Disasters Down Big Time!”

  1. For certain, this flies against the Armstrong prophecy mold, and that could perhaps serve as an additional wake-up call for those who may finally be wondering why HWA’s prophecies are 40 years overdue.

    But, just as “they” focussed us on the Germans and the RCC, and then got blindsided by 9/11, ACOG members seem to be blinded by what is happening in the oceans that sustain all life on our planet.

    Back in the ’70s, one of my fellow workers in AC Press told me about a new atrocity, something that could radically change life on the planet as we knew it. This was the Japanese factory fishing ships. With their high tech gear, they could sense and fish out huge ecologies. These ships were fishing boat and cannery all rolled into one, and could fish beyond the reproductive cycles of the various species’ ability to replenish their numbers. Fishing had always been on a sustainable level previously. Now, since the 1970s, life of creatures in the seas is half of what it was just a few short decades ago.

    There are also gyres, swirling currents or vortexes somewhat centered in all of the major oceans, and this is where much of mankinds nonbiodegradable garbage has ended up. There are tons and tons of plastics, medical wastes, and other garbage trapped in these gyres. It is so bad, that marine life cannot survive it.

    And, then, there is the yellow algae, which changes the ph balance of hundreds of square miles of ocean floor, making those areas uninhabitable by native species. Coral bleaching is a massive problem, in the news currently, and results when the temperature range of the water impacts the life sustaining qualities and vibrancy of the coral.

    There are probably some solutions to these problems, but any one of them would have severe economic impact, whether it be scuttling the factory fishing ships, massive clean-up of the oceans, or taking whatever manmade measures are possible to reverse the warming of the seas. I seriously doubt that anything will be done, mainly because the very topic of ecology has become so politicized. Rush’s “dittoheads” even believe that satellite timelapse photography is bogus science, and reject it as evidence. I am shocked by that reaction, and I am a conservative!


  2. We should napalm the ocean garbage, quit growing corn for useless fuel because the fertilizer lands up in the Mississippi and travels down to the gulf and creates large dead zones. As far as Rush goes, why listen to him? Is he not a high school dropout like the herster? Listen to someone who has degrees in science. That would be Micheal Savage. I have read some of his books. They are pure genius!

    1. Napalming sounds close to my solution. The factory fishing fleet should be converted into high tech mobile incinerators, similar to what is used to process the garbage of some municipalities. The smoke could be run through scrubbers and chill chambers to prevent them from adding to the greenhouse effect.

      I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh not because I was in tune with his dogma, but purely for entertainment. Before Rush became prominent, there was a TV program in Southern California, hosted by Wally George, who also made conservatism appear ridiculous. I sent him baiting letters, and he would read them on the air. “Here’s another letter from our friend Bobby, who thinks we are really liberals, feigning conservative views to make them look ridiculous.”

      I’m not a “Med-head”, but one of the few talk show hosts that I actually enjoy, is Michael Medved. Years ago, I had read a book he co-authored called “Whatever Happened to the Class of ’65?” I was impressed with some of his incisive observations at that time, and when I learned that he had a talk show, wanted to hear more of them. He is just right of center politically, as am I, and he ratchets down the volume of the rhetoric, causing people to actually listen to some of the things they have been conditioned to shut out. He, too, is highly educated.


  3. I also have listened to Michael Medved and found him most interesting. I want someone to challenge me. It keeps your mind fresh and helps you to see yourself and some of the mistakes in thought you may be making.

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