Trouble in Paradise? The Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association

Should you take your Christian brother to court?

The following is a transcript from a video produced by the Dynamic Christian Ministries.  Wesley White has troubling questions that warrant examination. Is the CEM going to attempt a takeover of the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association? That is a question that all of us at the Painful Truth are asking.

Recall that the late Allie Dart, wife of Ronald Dart, instructed Wesley White to start a new organization (RDLEA) that would promote the teachings of Ron Dart as long as CEM properly and efficiently promoted Mr. Dart’s works.

Transcript follows:

….Now, let’s get back to the meeting I had with a CEM board member and this other guy.

As I said, overall I felt the meeting went really well. I think we cleared the air on a lot of issues. I think I cleared the air that our only desire is to assist them in their mission.

But then I said to them near the end of this positive and productive meeting – I’d like to clear the air on two final issues.

The first issue is this. I said that we at RLDEA attempted to reserve the domain name and we were astounded to learn that one of the CEM employees in Whitehouse had already reserved it! Just recently. Like a week or so before we tried to get it. And I told these two guys that I thought this was underhanded because CEM has no need for the domain name I told them that the action of reserving this particular domain name was too reminiscent of when WCG reserved the name of CGI in 48 states only for the purpose of keeping GTA from using it.

So I asked the leader from CEM if he knew that this had happened. I asked him, “Were you aware of this action taken by one of your paid employees?” Well, he said he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t even remember whether or not he got an email on this subject.

Video can be found HERE.

4 Replies to “Trouble in Paradise? The Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association”

  1. Now we understand the basis of Mrs. Dart’s fears. It appears that nobody was able to fool her on issues of character.


  2. The swamp is alive and well. Allie fired Mr. Watkins for very good reasons, and saw what he was all really about; power and control. It cracks me up when I read that the C.E.M. board brought him back, ‘out of retirement’, what a laugh… -talk about leaving out a detail.
    Of course they are going to use every dirty trick in the book to stop Allie Dart’s wishes; It’s all about POWER! He’s running the show now, against Aliie’s express wishes. Big changes are coming, just follow the money… (-not another dime from me.)
    The nice words they use don’t match their actions. (like aquiring the domain name that is totally useless to them.)
    The same thing is going on in Washington. ‘Rhino’s’ using every dirty trick in the book to sabotage President Trump, -a non-politition. I expected that from the other side, I certainly didn’t expect it from some of his own. -The SWAMP hates losing control.

  3. Richard,

    I think the next move is up to Wes White.

    I heard about the domain name purchase which was rather lame in using just initials. To me this shows intent. A money grab if you will IMHO.

    As far as Trump goes, he has his hands full. I don’t see how he can govern with everyone against him. I guess Washington wanted the “queen” of mean, Hillary. The most corrupt and vile politician I ever seen since her husband (in name only) was POTUS.

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