A Personal Concept of God

In the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, God is described as being a personal creator, speaking in the first person and showing emotion such as anger and pride, and sometimes appearing in anthropomorphic shape.

As each of us is uniquely human, it makes sense that due to our diverse backgrounds, nature, nurture, life’s experiences, we will have unique perceptions. That is to say we will not be able to relate on the same level at the same time, in the exact way, as we would like. All we can do is the best we can to communicate and understand each other. Accepting that as a given, makes it easier not to have unrealistic expectations of each other. Now, as far as my personal concept of God, my logic tells me that there needs to be a source of all life, as we know it. I cannot understand how something can come from nothing.

Since we relate to others as humans, I think it is likely that early mankind created God in his own form: human. Before that, I imagine that somehow animals were linked to having god-like powers, which put men in fear or awe. Since I believe that we humans are of the animal kind, we use two ways of thinking. One is instinctual, even magical, and the second, logical reasoning. Unfortunately, before we are old enough to think and choose for ourselves, we are subject to the most powerful influences of those who rule over us; from our parents, teachers, and significant others, who place their ideas in our minds in order to control us, or have order among the group. I personally believe that we, humanly and biologically, have the need to look for someone or thing, more powerful than we are to protect and help us. It is a mode of natural survival. for the individual and the group.

Now, as far as the God of the Christian bible, I believe it represents a god of blood, power over, (not equality), vengeance, superstition, myth, and traditions of men. That is exactly how the organized religions of the world use it. It divides in order to conquer, uses the group to serve the needs of the leaders, binding souls to lies and promising an illusion. As we humanly grow in maturity and learn that life works best for all when we see each other as worthwhile, precious, valuable, to both serve and be served, then we will understand what God truly is…LOVE, invisible power to enhance all life, to sustain our world and make it a better place to live and thrive. The stronger among us need to meet the needs of others equal to their own needs. Those who have more abilities need to use them to help others, not to have power over them. That is how to behave, as I believe a God of love would do; the only kind of God I look to for whatever I seek.

I have come to see how important HOPE is to our culture. Animals survive by inbred instinct. They have no concept of death. When humans evolved to become SELF-AWARE, they discovered death. With that came the awareness of both individuality, and emotional attachment. This brought about the fear of separation, and later, the loss, or death of those we were attached to. To solve this conflict, I believe the emotional part of the mind developed the need for hope. Hope to resolve this problem of death and loss. When you take away a man’s hope for a future, he looses his desire to live. Since we have no knowledge of what lies beyond this life, as we know it, we use our imagination, and unexplained experiences to give ourselves a somewhat rational reason to hope in the future. This offers us the belief that perhaps we will see loved ones again, and live in a better world.

The world’s social problems are complex. They won’t be solved until the majority of those who rule, in positions of power, have developed a spiritual awareness to value the equality of all humanity.

In my opinion, just as a child grows through stages of development, on three levels, so does humankind. We develop emotionally, mentally and spiritually, very slowly. When a majority, or we, as a whole, can function without abuse, to support each other in a kind caring way, we will have broken the cycle that infects our society now with its dysfunction. With education, leaders motivated by kindness and a desire to serve the others in a community will then set the example we need for the many to follow.

Blast from the past by Joanne

By request we republished this.

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