24 Replies to “Corona19, a power grab?”

  1. In other news, after another round of gloom-and-doom comments from the WHO’s Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus Adhanom, the WHO officially endorsed the approach taken by Sweden, the latest flip flop from an organization that has done more than its fair share to confuse people with guidance that’s constantly changing.

    The WHO initially opposed, then embraced lockdowns, and now it’s apparently back to opposing them again.

    Incompetence or deliberate?

  2. It’s like a great awakening taking place in the world, isn’t it? I’ll add that the GRU isn’t the only military intelligence wise to this. We have had an illusion of choice in America for quite a while. From Bush to Clinton then back to Bush Jr., then it could have been John Kerry, but would it have made any difference? 322. Finally we had Obama but it could have been McCain or Romney. The only difference was the fast path or the slightly slower path to the same destination. What they all had in common was “that” corruption. In 2016, I originaly thought Trump was just the lesser of two evils. Then I realized he might just be JFK and Jr’s revenge. By the way, Mika the blonde woman, is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the author of “The Grand Chessboard.” That book explains the elites plans for Eurasia. We have had a fifth column in our government for far too long. Hopefully, not much longer. The silent war continues.
    Ohh God, I’m done now. I’ll stop.

  3. I downloaded both those videos so that I can re-post them if need be. I see also in a comment I made above where I posted the video, well youtube decided that the 2 real doctors from LA were fake doctors with fake news. Controlling the propaganda machine must be tiring.

  4. I recall Zbigniew Brzezinski in a video where he was talking with the Taliban and telling them God was on their side against the Soviets. Like the recent article here pointed out, governments use religion in a variety of ways to promote their own cause.

  5. Youtube’s censorship is going to become much more apparent now. I wish more people would wake up and take action.

    1. It is unfortunate that some people see that taking down of videos is a way to keep the public safe from those who differ as to opinion. These are the people who can have their freedoms snatched from right under their noses and not realize it.

  6. Guys, ever think that the fifth column might be the globalists? We’ve had globalist presidents for decades now, and then against all odds you’ve got Donald Trump being elected and under the tutelage of Steve Bannon reintroduces nationalism, a concept which had fallen into great disfavor following World War II because statesmen around the world had realized that an exaggerated sense of nationalism is what was at the root of the world wars of the twentieth century. Bannon continues his work in Europe, gaining more ground. We’re running up to the 2020 elections, Trump is a shoe-in, you’ve got Boris Johnson and Brexit, and suddenly this designer virus comes into play, pretty much requiring global solutions.

    It all goes back to what I believed back in the ’80s, with the Trilateral Commission being the deep state, fifth column, or whatever you want to call it, the power behind the president. Actually, knowing that gave me a peace of mind that lasted for decades because I knew that the globalists were business leaders who would ensure that nothing radical happened to the USA because our country is the biggest market place for goods the rest of the world produces. If we go down, so does the world. My peace of mind lasted right up to 2016, when the ugly word “nationalism” came back into the political lexicon. It immediately made me think of Hitler, and Germany, and World War II.

    Not here to argue or convince, because we’re at a time when people are very fragile, and everyone is believing whatever they need to in order to survive, whether the facts bear out their beliefs or not. People try to blame the other party for the sake of their agendas, but you can’t honestly blame Democrats or Republicans for the ways in which the virus has been handled, since the lines have really been blurred by the atypical actions of each. I believe that the crisis will clear up the moment we have a globalist president back in power, whether it’s Trump who sees the error of bucking the real power, or Biden is elected.


    1. You should know by my prints I am against globalism as it leads to global government. If that global government decides it wants to kill a select group of people, there is no where to hide. One world government is the tyrannical solution to control the populations of the earth. If its the like of Bill Gates, or George Soros, what you are asking for is a tyrant. You want to get back to the business of globalism, I do not.

      You speak of Nationalism. Nationalism in the hands of the wrong man can and does turn to shit. The politicians sold us down the river as too their policies that put China and cheap ass labor ahead of their own people. Now the little dragon is a big dragon and a major threat. Americans see this and vote for the one man they saw as serious vs. some corrupt women politician who’s looks one can not bear for a 4 year term, even less for a 8 year term.

      When you embrace globalism, what seems to be safety and security for you, is the surrendering of your sovereignty, therefore you deserve neither safety or security. As for my family and I, we are fighters and we fight against those who look only towards themselves and their own interests. When you see politicians create a crisis that is bankrupting businesses and causing money problems, and all sorts of family problems know this. They will pay. When loss of confidence hit the nation and its laws weaken, the people will know who and what their target is. Go read “Psychology of a Revolution”.

  7. The same arguments were made during and after the Civil War. You know, “states rights”. Yet, the aftermath of that war marked the beginning of the greatness of what Abraham Lincoln called “the Union”. Later, World War II exemplified the stature of that union, and was perhaps our finest hour, resulting in the emergence of the USA as a super power.

    The Civil Rights Act and the Environmental Protection Agency are two outstanding examples of greater goodness which was achieved through the power of the collective known as the USA. Obviously, those who found the Union intolerable in those cases were those who wanted to perpetuate racism, and the industrialists who saw the cleanup of the environment as oppressive to their profits. They resented the power of the federal government forcing them to do the right things.

    Collectives such as the United Nations and NATO have used their powers to stop or control wars, beginning with the strife over Suez in 1956. The John Birch Society has continuously sought to get us out of the UN, even though the UN has consistently demonstrated its potential to bring more good into play than bad.

    Globalist presidents have been from both parties. There are liberal globalist organizations, and there are conservative ones, just as there is the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party. Liberals and Conservatives tend to tie each others’ hands. The beginning of the end to fairness would be if either the liberals or the conservatives emerged as the unquestioned winner, with all the power, unquestioned and unable to be resisted. That is what would result in global tyranny and the loss of freedom.

    Global government with liberals and conservatives would not necessarily be a bad thing. Many of the world’s challenges and problems today are only resolvable through unified global law. So long as the global power is a representative form of government, loose and functioning in an ad hoc manner, as it had been up until 2016, more good would be achieved than bad.


  8. ” So long as the global power is a representative form of government, loose and functioning in an ad hoc manner, as it had been up until 2016, more good would be achieved than bad.”

    As the plan for the EU was to be, a “loose and functioning representative form of government” has turned into a dictatorship of un-elected ‘officials’ in Belgium who are in the process of creating tyrannical government where Brussels rules over all the trade union.

    This will fail as the EU did not structure individual states debts as a federal debt. Throw in the business cycle and you have a unending cycle of defaults under the current 3% debt limit. How long will Germany support the entire union? Not can, because it cannot, but will it allow the union to bankrupt them?

    There is more honor in the mafia then the governments of the world, for the mafia realizes that without the people they cease to exist, wherein the government just will import new tax slaves into their respective countries.

    Human psychology never changes. That is the one constant law that should never be ignored.

    The USA decided around the end of WW2 that the world needed a global ruling power and that Washington would be the center of that power. What has followed is a legacy of death around the world. Nixon got himself re-elected by taking the country off the gold standard where money could be printed in unlimited amounts to create a bread and circus United States with unlimited power to wage war. Now look at us.

    Get the picture? You can’t trust one entity to rule over us. If you do you have no word in the system. The reps or dems are meaningless. If one party fails a new one rises up. There are better choices like the American constitutional party.

  9. “Guys, ever think that the fifth column might be the globalists?”

    BykerBob, yes. And it’s been around since before World War 1, actually even longer. The Globalists are a cacophony of the most corrupt, racist, exploitive, evil, and deceptive people the world has ever known. They wish to control everything through tyranny or socialsim, but don’t expect them to call it that. They would give it a deceptive title like Global Democracy, and since it seems most people get their history from the MSM or Hollywood, they would get away with it. Why does it always boil down to authority with cult members, even former ones. Authority can make everything better if given to the right people, right? Not me, I’m a freedom-loving individulist. Power to the people, ALL people!

    James Corbett has made a lot of great videos!

  10. “Guys, ever think that the fifth column might be the globalists?
    Yes, people like Gates and Soros. There is, my guess, a hundred thousand of them who think they know better than the rest. In school we would beat these people up because they became unyielding authorizations at the age of 10.

    Like you, I do not trust anyone with too much power. The potential to do evil is enormous, the damage potential, catastrophic.

    Look at Trofim Lysenko.

    From WIKI: His experimental research in improved crop yields earned him the support of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, especially following the famine and loss of productivity resulting from crop failures and forced collectivization in several regions of the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR’s Academy of Sciences, and the exercise of political influence and power further secured his anti-Mendelian doctrines in Soviet science and education.~

    “Lysenko rejected Mendelian genetic inheritance theory in favor of his own logic. He believed Gregor Mendel’s theory to be too reactionary or idealist. ” Otherwise, his idea was politically incorrect. The man was “completely ignorant of the elementary principles of genetics and plant physiology”.

    This is the result from Stalin listing to a fellow idiot. Famine.

    ” Before the 1930s, the Soviet Union had a strong genetics community. Lysenko gutted it, and by some accounts set Russian biology and agronomy back a half-century”

    One man, to much power.

    1. A damning investigation into the World Health Organisations hidden practices.
      “The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded with the aim of building a healthier future for people all over the world. Whether its the effects of smoking, the Swine flu pandemic or a nuclear disaster, the WHO is the body we rely on to advise on and resolve a public health crisis. But can it be trusted? TrustWho documents filmmaker Lilian Francks quest to discover what lies behind the altruistic façade of the worlds largest public health body. What she uncovers is an alarming picture of corruption and opacity. This powerful investigative doc shines a light on how industry lobbies have infiltrated the WHO and asks whether the organisation can be trusted to keep the public healthy.”


  11. Well, seems we’re poised to discover resolution to this debate.
    The scientists and medical professionals have now been sidelined, and against their advice everything is being prematurely opened up. The government is working to suppress and control the actual infection and death figures which are allowed to reach the public. Let’s see how that works out for us all.


    1. Deaths will go up. So what? The flu has killed more this last season as I posted. If one is vulnerable they quarantine themselves. With the pandemic of 1918 unemployment did not spike, there were no liquidity issues and life went on.

      There is too much evidence this was planned by your climate change/eugenics crowd. Add it up.

      1. President of Tanzania Proves the COVID-19 Test Kits of Gates Test Positive on Fruits and Goats Should they be Locked-down? Worth a watch for sure.

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