Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The Democratic Party attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13th, 2024. On Monday, July 8th, 2024, President Joe Biden told his supporters, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”. The shooter was 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, apparently a member of Antifa.

The Democrats have been fomenting to take over the United States for decades and things have escalated to the point that the leaders have no more conscience any longer and will do anything to maintain power:

Joseph Paul Watson sums up the assassination attempt:


8 Replies to “Attempted Assassination of President Trump”

  1. Very suspicious how the secret service wasn’t on the roof. Then, what about the water tower? Not even a guard around it. Remember the Kennedy assassination. They took another route that was unplanned, put the top down, and right before the shooting recalled the agent who rides on the side of the car. Your government at work and it gets and retains this power because people are too fucking lazy to do some very deep studies.

    Its the deep state who want’s the endless wars to continue.

    1. Just remember the plot of the end game: To change humanity to be homogeneous under a despotic fascist corporatist system ruled over by the billionaire globalist elite.

      Now, let’s put this in perspective.

      The deep state decided and then earlier this year made some back door deals. On the top was to nullify Biden and then manipulate a warmongering never Trumper into a position of power.

      They knew in advance that the shooter was a terrible shot. They planned for 3 contingencies: 1) he would utterly miss (they thought this was most likely); 2) he would kill President Trump; or 3) would wound President Trump. They were probably surprised at the outcome. That is one reason there has been no official report from the authorities even now, unlike after 9/11 when the (official) background came out within 48 hours. If President Trump died, they’d insure that the Republicans would pick someone who would absolutely lose, like Nikki Haley and Biden could quietly go on and fade later.

      But that didn’t happen. Not to worry. This was the best of all worlds.

      President Trump was to pick Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakota, who had much more conservative values and better aligned with President Trump. However, after the wounding, President Trump went to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who then convinced his father-in-law to pick J. D. Vance — a never Trumper who has openly announced he wants war with Iran. The optics couldn’t be better under the circumstances. A Marine, husband and father, good solid… conservative, well respected. It certainly reeks of setup.

      Looking ahead to 2025, some are pointing out that it looks that maybe the economy will be set to fail and blamed on President Trump, making his final act of the Presidency rather neutered. We’ll see. You know, that’s just the thing: When you fight a long war, the enemies have a long time to assess all the weaknesses and set traps. The Democrats in particular have been at this for a long time, and they do seem to have become quite good at it. They use the media to distract the public from what is going on right in front of them. Maybe Newsom will be the next President after this. All it takes is a little planning with quite a lot of skullduggery.

      If you hearken back to John Trechak in the Ambassador Report, you may remember his commentary about United making deals in smoke filled back rooms. Well, this is like that, but on steroids.

      Or maybe this is just empty conspiracy. What do you think?

      Oh, maybe if Biden steps down from the election in the next few days, perhaps we will have confirmation [hope I’ve posted this in time!].

  2. It’s unsurprising considering the leftists, including Biden, the Democrats and the media have been using crazy stupid and inflammatory language for years against Trump labeling him as an “existential threat” and likening him to dictators past and present. And at the same time so many of us were pointing out the fact that “the emperor has no clothes” in that Biden was demented, but were continually gaslighted and dismissed. Now the leftists are reaping what they’ve sown and are acting like this is new and inexplicable. SMH! TBH I actually thought Biden would be the one to get assassinated or die from some sickness during his term in office, but now we’re seeing he might be pushed aside by his own party for another candidate before the election. Crazy stupid times! I guess only time will tell how much more crazy stupid it will get…

  3. For those who don’t know, President Biden has stepped down from the election today — another successful assessment of trends for the win.

    And following the projected trends, it looks like that the Democratic Party in the United States is headed toward the greatest chaos ever in a national election. Anyone want to go to Chicago mid August? Good luck with that — the heat, the crowds, the out of control criminal gangs, the shootings, the protests, the riots, the police lines… and the weather report: Tear gas this afternoon followed by warmer weather. And inside the convention — tightest security ever amidst banal proceedings guaranteed to put you to sleep if it weren’t so darned hot…. And maybe everything exceedingly complicated from another software patch issued by Crowdstrike. What an apt name for a woke corporation that manages massive software failures worldwide.

    This is a world Herbert Armstrong NEVER prophesied.

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