

Herbert Armstrong spoke of conversion. We’ve had an opportunity to have observed his behavior. We’re a bit confused. After seeing what he did and how he acted, we’re not really sure what conversion is.

It is our understanding that some people have received an altar call. They came down and accepted Jesus as their personal savior. Some of them go their way not feeling particularly different, but within a few days people begin remarking that they’ve changed. One man was told by his coworkers that they noticed he didn’t swear any more; he also didn’t smoke any longer; he didn’t drink alcohol any more — his life was transformed. Another man heard singing and went inside the church. He was a really bad man, but he was convicted in his mind, accepted Jesus. His life was transformed. He stopped carousing, drinking, swearing; his temper disappeared and he stopped fighting with others. In due time, he volunteered to assist a jail chaplain and continued many years helping prisoners pursue change. All of those who have claimed this experience, changed from the inside out — became, in religious terms, a new man.

It is our understanding from Scripture that there is fruit of the spirit after conversion:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Galations 5:22-23

It would seem that if the process of conversion worked properly, this is what we would see and we would not expect to see this:

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galations 5:19-21

This is where things get really dicey: We have seen over decades the behavior of the founders, leaders and ministers of the Armstrongist Churches of God. We have especially noticed Roderick Meredith, David Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ronald Weinland, those fun guys at United and the CoGWA, along with the minor sects which barely exist but seem to have attracted undo attention from their bizarre and extreme behavior. As we examine the ‘fruit’ so to speak, we seem to see more of the ‘works of the flesh’ than ‘fruit of the spirit’. In fact, we seem to see more of:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

II Timothy 3:1-5

It just seems that this conversion thing isn’t working with the Armstrongist Churches of God. People are unhappy. There’s quite a lot of power politics. There’s a lot of cruelty and abuse. People are being simultaneously abused and neglected. The leaders seem to get more greedy and DEMAND more money every week that goes by. There are complaints from the congregants (some just grumble). Those who complain are then accosted and accused of being disloyal. Many are disfellowshipped. We’re thinking that this sort of thing just doesn’t happen in the joyous spirit filled congregations of the converted faithful.

It should be clear why we have such confusion. It just doesn’t seem that the Armstrongists are living up to their hype. It seems that keeping the Sabbath, keeping the Feasts, Tithing and all the other physical rituals to transform people from the outside in is an unsuccessful strategy.

So please do explain it: We’re confused.

What is this conversion thing again and where can we find a good example of it?

2015 New Year

Ambassador.Report website
Ambassador.Report website

It’s spring and today marks the first day of the 2015 New Year. Or maybe it’s yesterday. Or could be tomorrow. The Jewish Calendar is so confusing! And this is a postponement year. OK, well maybe it’s not spring. After all, fall is just beginning in New Zealand. So congratulations, we’ve just begun the holyday calendar New Year. Unless we haven’t. After this weekend, though, it will be the start of a brand new religious new year. Well, maybe not technically for the Jews, since they seem to have used the calendar to start their year in the fall at the time of the Feast of Trumpets. Or maybe the Day of Atonement (after all, that’s when the Jubilee Year begins, if there is one — but, of course, some people think the Jubilee Year only lasts six months — honest! That’s what they think!) So if you’re confused, you’re not alone, although some confused people think they are perfectly fine!

We thought we’d start the new year with a surprise! It’s been a lot of hard work, and it’s still under development, but if you click on the above picture of the Ambassador.Report website, it will take you to… the Ambassador.Report website. It’s still about the same as, but with some new technology. We’ve updated some material and added the Ambassador College 1969 Envoy:

Ambassador College 1969 Envoy
Ambassador College 1969 Envoy

It’s now in flipping book format. It certainly is appropriate to Ambassador.Report, since the 1969 Envoy is a priceless pictorial of the state of Armstrongism just after the Radio Church of God became the Worldwide Church of God and began its slide into its iron pyrite epitome of Herbert Armstrong’s golden calf. The introduction is an exercise of hypocritical polemics designed to expose the defugalties of this world while not realizing these decades later it would perfectly describe Armstrongism; for example:

Bible In The Garbage: WCG complaining about Society!
Bible In The Garbage: WCG complaining about Society!

Ā Along about page 14 or so, the Envoy begins the harangue about Civilization, implying that it has turned to barbarism. One only need look at some of the sects within the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia today to see the worst of human nature in action, and furthermore, they’ve thrown out the Bible — it’s more like they are atheists who have used the Bible for marketing purposes.

Our personal favorite on the Ambassador.Report website is the updated 1975 in Prophecy, now in mostly full color:

1975 in Prophecy
1975 in Prophecy

It’s heavy with graphics and is contained in lots of megabytes. You can get the table of contents by clicking on “Outline” and comments by clicking on “CC”. Be sure to click on the speaker in the lower left hand to get the fully licensed theme song appropriate to the site. Note the transitions on each page. The crumpled paper look is sure to be popular. Note that on the last page, we have in the upper left hand corner a little message from the author. There’s nothing like a “Goodbye, friends” from a dead false prophet.

You’ll also find the Ambassador Report in flipping book format there (work is proceeding to correct some minor errors, so be patient). You’ll find “Foundation of Sand” and the other usual features.

As for the future of the site, let’s just say we have PLANS!

It’s our gift to you for this new year… whenever the new year is….



Armstrongists are unlikely to accept anything that refutes their views: Herbert Armstrong said it; they believe it; that is that. Herbert Armstrong is the arbiter of all truth. No one in the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia wants to learn anything about opposing views, no matter what the evidence may be or what science can disprove. This is especially true in the realm of British Israelism and prophecy, Sabbaths and holydays, church eras, tithing, authority and paganism. The Old Testament is in effect unless specifically done away in the New Testament unless its inconvenient to Armstrongism.

There is a scientific and rather unflattering scientific reason for this: The brain of the Armstrongist is wired that way. The brain itself will reject anything that it is not wired to accept.

To understand the background of this, watch the video about how conservative and liberals that look and act differently. Follow the additional information at The National Journal discussing the Battle for your Brain.

By extension, Armstrongists think differently than non Armstrongists because their brains are wired quite differently: It’s biology — something that you can’t just talk your way out of (or in to).

We’ve seen this on blogs and websites over and over again: There is no basis for any real discussion because the brains of Armstrongists are incapable of receiving truth.

As Brian Resnick says, it isn’t clear at this point whether the brains in questions are that way from the beginning or if they have been changed at some time in the past. Did Herbert Armstrong attract people whose brains were wired a certain way or did exposure to Herbert Armstrong actually change the brains of his followers?

This certainly explains rather handily why people continue to follow David Pack no matter how outrageously his prophecies fail. Ronald Weinland followers in the PKG are unlikely to leave the fold at this point, even though he has been convicted of five counts of felony for Income Tax Evasion and was sent to prison by a jury of his peers. People will likely follow the false prophet of sixty years, Roderick Meredith in spite of what Jesus said in Matthew 7:15 because they are wired that way. PCG members are likely to continue to bear the heavy burdens of Gerald Flurry for the duration. Congregants will continue to attend the UCG and CoGWA in spite of the fact that there’s little difference between them, because the followers are hard wired to accept the preachments of sects. No one can offer scientific facts. People are unimpressed that DNA evidence refutes British Israelism. False prophecies are passed off as mere speculation even though they might be signed “In Jesus’ Name”. Armstrongists will continue to conveniently ignore the Bible when it shorts out their wiring and might blow their fuse.

And that’s a good explanation why Armstrongists won’t change: They are wired wrong.