Burning Man. The Alternative Feast.

Every year, people from various countries come to America to find themselves in the act of self expression.

Russia, Israel, the Czech, Polish, any many other citizens of this earth come to celebrate with their fellow humans in this event called “Burning Man.”


Below are some videos that I personally have found fascinating.  Perhaps some day the Painful Truth and the editors will have to build their own anti-Armstrong monument out in the black rock desert, only to be burned in the final celebration!

The Temple

Exploring The 2013 Burning Man Spaceship

Burning Man is done for this year.

Next year’s Burning Man should be the “Best Feast Ever!”

Explore More

Honoring the Great American Worker on Labor Day!


“The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.”

-Ernest Hemingway


On the first Monday of September, the wage slaves who built the world’s strongest economy are honored. This Labor Day, we the wage slaves, should avoid taking pride in our drive towards economic recovery. By learning new skills and adapting to new challenges however fruitless this will be in the long run, you can expect less than more.

Should we be inspired by job seekers from all walks of life in this country going back to school, taking on piles of debt that they most likely will never pay back, getting degrees in worthlessness?

For more than two centuries, the prospect of work has drawn people to our shores to pursue new opportunities and dreams of a better life. A life of freedom and independence. The demands on us workers have changed over the generations, but we’ve always risen to the occasion until now. Now there is welfare and if you can sign up for all the programs you can rake in 50,000 dollars tax free every year.

During the Industrial Age, factory workers saw their knowledge and paychecks grow as they mastered new processes to mass produce everything from automobiles to armaments. Now days we import cheap Chinese made plastic shit that breaks or becomes obsolete in a few short years.

Following the Great Depression, more than 6 million women joined the workforce, clocking in at shipyards, lumber mills and foundries, and their production helped us win the Great War. A war where the bankers financed both sides of the conflict making them filthy rich. Thanks Prescott Bush!

And the Internet age carried the talents of our workers across the globe, as our ideas and products reached new markets and brought the world closer together.

Within this Internet age, the U.S. government paid your fellow Americans to betray the Bill of Rights and spy on us lesser slaves. They are like a mommy and daddy looking out for our best, right?

No. They do this because they are afraid of losing power in a revolution. A revolution that is sure to happen if the economy keeps sinking. This is according to the  C.I.A. psychopaths.

With public schools and the dumbing down of our kids, can we ever expect to meet the demands of a 21st century global economy? The answer is yes. Service sector jobs will be abundantly available. A rewarding career at McDonald’s should be ever boy and girls dream!

Growing Evermore Divided

“The necessary consequence of man’s right to life is his right to self-defense. In a civilized society, force may be used only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. All the reasons which make the initiation of physical force an evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative.”

-Ayn Rand
The Nature of Government

Labor unions operate as political parties. Community organizers (who’s jobs are to split communities, and create division in order to raise one group over another) become presidents and win Noble peace prizes just before they become war criminals.


More Here

This is what we labor for. We are the slaves that support a war machine unlike the world has ever seen. We pay for all of this by what is called a “defense budget.” How about “offensive budget?”


“A society that robs an individual of the product of his effort, or enslaves him, or attempts to limit the freedom of his mind, or compels him to act against his own rational judgment-a society that sets up a conflict between its edicts and the requirements of man’s nature—is not, strictly speaking, a society, but a mob held together by institutionalized gang-rule. Such a society destroys all the values of human coexistence, has no possible justification and represents, not a source of benefits, but the deadliest threat to man’s survival. Life on a desert island is safer than and incomparably preferable to existence in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.”

-Ayn Rand
The Nature of Government

Indentured servitude or voluntary slavery has existed since the Old Testament times. If you tried to renege on your agreement, there was a “enforcer” you would have to deal with.

In the modern age we call this working for a wage. As in the past, the present age of this evil modern slavery is that it denies people their freedom. They have locked themselves into the chains of wages and debt. We all suffer for it. When people are dependent on others such as a corporation, they are constrained from doing what’s right.

Dependency of any kind denies a human the sense of social worth and equality. The dependency cycle built into the wage slavery and debt cycle keeps us from our true potential and happiness. This is corporatism at its finest.

Thomas Jefferson warned the young nation about this. 

“I hope we shall… crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and to bid defiance to the laws of their country.”

~Thomas Jefferson, letter to George Logan. November 12, 1816~

Because of corporatism and Americas military industrial complex, the importance of money in our culture, nearly every aspect of our society that could be arranged to promote freedom has been corrupted by coercion. Without coercion many would not work, pay taxes, or even fight in a war.

The stressed-out wage earners are increasingly growing violent as people begin to lose everything. Random shootings, increase in the homeless wandering our streets, and home invasions grow by the year. Did I forget racial violence? “Some” say America is racist even after electing a black president not once, but twice. Well if you know who these “some” are, you might be the ones buying into the lie. It is the mainstream press that brings this deceit into your homes and you listen to them. For shame, expand your horizons! Study what corporate fascism is about and how it affects you and your family.


Need a job? Crisis actors wanted.

Cults and Closets


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Cults and Closets

Coming Out of Chaos

 A book by Troy Fitzgerald


Former WCG kid and son of a pastor, Troy Fitzgerald explains what it was like growing up in a fundamentalist religious cult.

This book is a very interesting read. Troy relates from the times of his early youth, what it was like growing up in a fundamentalist church. Feelings of social inadequacy, and shunned with no true friends. This young man searches out his own self identity, leading to an unexpected discovery as to his sexuality.

As the Worldwide Church of God (founded by Herbert W. Armstrong) goes through an identity crisis, Troy begins to think outside the box that was constructed for him in his childhood and begins to think of himself as a closet agnostic with huge doubt about his religious education.

After leaving the Worldwide Church of God, Troy and his wife Marie, with their growing doubts, did what most of us former members of that cult did. We joined mainstream churches only to discover that they too were but mind control cults.

The inevitable result of spending a lifetime searching out “The Truth” is a most memorable prayer that Troy shares in his book. Call it a showdown. A contract made at baptism that is nullified and voided due to the inaction of a supposedly loving God.

If you were ever a member of an Armstrong church, or in one of the spin-offs, or if you are a kid in one of these cults, this book is a must read!