America’s Not the Greatest Country Any Longer?

I found this video on the Internet after a friend sent it to me. The idea of America being a great nation because of Gods blessings is what the Armstrongist teach. Its a damnable lie.

If this nation is looking damn rough around the edges it is because we have adopted policies that prove to be detrimental to the health of America and the futures of its people.

The continued adoption of failed policies from other failed/failing states outside the USA (Europe) is based on the concept of creating a more just and equitable society. What these policy really do is tear down the fabric of our society, create division and promoting class warfare.  Its the “us” vs “them” mentality.

As in any cult, this is a valuable tool to create a class of supporters in which you can depend on for continual support.  The sycophants of Armstrongism base their arguments that God is doing all this damage due to our “sins”, sabbath breaking, gay marriage, and other points of dribble.

What really is going on in this nation is a form of tribalism. Divide and conquer the hearts of men, force them into a mold. Create classes of people that makes them feel special. And then vote for the master. Sound familiar? Politicians and Priests. Same sorry sacks of shit presiding in different piles.


Why America isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore.

Index of Economic Freedom.

Voice Print Analysis of Four Evangelists Using the NanoVoice Personality and Health Software

From the archives of “Ekklesia”

The following is a vocal analysis of various Church of God personalities using nanovoice voice octave personality and health analyzer.  Recorded samples of these men’s sermons/talks were imported to this program, the results are untouched and unedited except for highlighting.

Note this program looks for certain notes of dominance in the voice which have been statistically linked to personality and states of health. Any results should be considered a “snapshot” in time, human beings are constantly changing, and results may not be reliable at the time these are read.


Ron Weinland

Recording Date: 10/12/2008

Subject/Topic: source audio, 10/11/08 sermon on James.

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

You have high ideas and expect the same of others. If you ever had to lie to see justice done, you would do it but your sense of justice does not always jive with the law. You can be fussy about your physical space.  It needs to satisfy you and no one else. Sometimes you spend a lot of energy trying to get even the smallest detail right the first time.

Your highest note is associated with service to humanity and human spirit. Your feelings and desire to help others resides with this note. Your highest note deals with expression through words both written and oral. The world of creative self-expression resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of physically prioritizing. Personal control over what happens in your physical environment resides with this note.

You may be caught once in a situation but you aren’t often caught twice without a proper answer. You don’t always express your sense of confusion to the appropriate person. Thinking about an action is not the same as doing it, so go ahead a send that little gift, card or note.

Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints

You sometimes help others to the detriment of yourself. Your emotions run strong and can influence your health. You have the ability to use words very creatively. You have the ability to inspire people using stories and demonstrations. It is particularly bothersome when people use or borrow your property without permission.

You wish for the best which sometimes leads to statements of hope instead of statements of fact. You know how to get things done but don’t always have the time to deal with the details. It is hard for you to understand why people take your peaceful nature as being an easy target.


Rod Meredith 

Recording Date: 10/12/2008

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

Your reputation is very important to you.  You will go to great lengths to protect it. You challenge the opinions of others with good reason.You have the ability to allow others to use your strength and support for their own needs.Your highest note is associated with your internal perspective of insight and self awareness. Internal faith, fairness and fulfillment reside with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of Self Approval and Self Worth. Issues of digestion, enzyme and energy production reside with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of justice, fairness and Truth.  Joint, tendon and connective tissue issues; along with smooth muscle contractions reside with this note.You may be caught once in a situation but you aren’t often caught twice without a proper answer. The right words at the right time can sometimes elude you because of all of the internal dialogue. Ideas come to you in very odd moments when you are distracted by a required task.

Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints

You can easily put yourself aside for the benefit of others. You actively seek to bring spirit into your interactions with others. It is particularly bothersome when people use or borrow your property without permission.

You wish for the best which sometimes leads to statements of hope instead of statements of fact. You wish someone could understand you without demanding a lot of conversation. You can easily be distracted from carrying out your plans by a more exciting prospect.

Victor Kubik 

Recording Date: 10/13/2008

Subject/Topic: From 9/30/08 Sermon audio

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

You have high ideas and expect the same of others. You think that feeding the mind is just as important as feeding the body. You are aware of how painful thoughtless words can be. Others see you as having leadership potential but they may resent you for the same reason.

Your highest note is associated with service to humanity and human spirit. Your feelings and desire to help others resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with your internal perspective of service to self vs. humanitarian needs.  The spirit of your inner core resides with your ability to take quiet time for yourself. Your highest note is associated with the expression of self power.   The issues of circulation and stamina reside with this note.Being able to prioritize what needs to be done emotionally is not always easy for you. Your metabolism shows be a weak point in your vocal print. Ideas come to you in very odd moments when you are distracted by a required task. Thinking about an action is not the same as doing it, so go ahead a send that little gift, card or note.

Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints

You actively seek to bring spirit into your interactions with others. You sometimes help others to the detriment of yourself. Your emotions run strong and can influence your health. You like your working environment to be efficient with things readily available.

As a natural leader, you sometimes get stuck with more than your share of the work. It is hard for you to understand why people take your peaceful nature as being an easy target. You know how to get things done but don’t always have the time to deal with the details.


Joe Tkach Jr 

Recording Date: 10/13/2008

Subject/Topic: From Theology talk on WCG.ORG site

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

It is easy for you to see the faults in others but don’t always know how to get your point across politely. Your stamina to get things accomplished is admirable. Your reputation is very important to you.  You will go to great lengths to protect it.Your highest note is associated with the integration of appropriate perception and action. The ability to assess a situation quickly resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of what you consider to be your physical domain. Having dominion over your physical environment resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with your internal perspective of insight and self awareness. Internal faith, fairness and fulfillment reside with this note.The right words at the right time can sometimes elude you because of all of the internal dialogue. You don’t always express your sense of confusion to the appropriate person. You can sometimes do too much for others in the hopes of helping them change.Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints

You like to use facts as a means of persuasion. You have a strong ability to support others in their time of stress.

You work well with others and are often put in a leadership position. You can easily put yourself aside for the benefit of others. You like your working environment to be efficient with things readily available.

You do what you do for the benefit of all concerned, even if it stresses you personally. You can be very hard on yourself – taking blame or responsibility needlessly. You know how you want things to look but sometimes don’t have the energy to make it so.