Yes, friends, it is true! The Painful Truth has been used by Armstrongism to select a new leader! This is a first! A real triumph indeed!
It all began with our blog entry, obituary, where we outlined the qualifications for selecting a new leader within the ranks of a sect of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong. It turns out that the leadership in the Living Church of God has been terribly anxious about the decline of their Fearless Leader, Roderick Meredith. Apparently — and the details are sketchy, especially because the whole process was kept a secret by the LCG Council of Elders — the leadership took the qualifications from our article, did a search among their own and came up with a fully qualified dictator to take the place of Fearless Leader.
Bob Dixon commented on the qualifications presented at The Painful Truth:
I must give [the Painful Truth author] highest regard for this profound job application. What [the Painful Truth author] has done as well as I have ever seen, is roll out a beauty, that will only attract, and fully describes, a total ass by any imagination, for the job.
To understand our triumph, you must first remember the words of the recently retired former United council chairman, Robert Dick:
If you do things the same way, under the same circumstances, you will attain the same results.
He also commented:
When peer pressure reigns it is hard to remember your principles, but consider one thing: When most of your accomplishments have been forgotten the principles you lived by will still be remembered.
With aphorisms like that, you have to wonder why the UCG hasn’t been more of a success. After all, if you follow the right processes, you should — in theory — achieve the best results. Isn’t that what “The Seven Laws of Success” are all about?
Nevertheless, the Living Church of God, an International Association [oops! scratch that last part — it’s so easy to get lost in the alphabet soup of the CoHAM], has followed process, matched up the qualifications and come up with a pretty much unknown, Gerald Weston. It seems that he’s going to move in to the Homequarters area and get started early — before Meredith kicks the bucket — to take over the reigns of the Government of the Corporation of God. Roderick Meredith will become the Evangelist Emeritus. This is all secret, mind you, since the Council of Elders doesn’t want this information to get out to the general membership.
We know that Gerald Weston had responsibility in Canada for some time and that is why we were able to come up with this artist’s conception:

Our congratulations to the new Fearless Leader. We’re pretty sure that there are still plenty of maidens, rope and train tracks along with mortgages to foreclose on hapless fatherless and widows to make them homeless fatherless and widows to make the move to the United States worthwhile.
Nevertheless, critics have pointed out that Gerald Weston lives currently in England as the European Regional Director. That would mean that he has had direct responsibility for the LCG church in Potsylvania. Perhaps, when he gets to Charlotte, North Carolina, he will have Boris and Natasha establish a Feast site in Potsylvania.
The talented Mr. Rumney posted at Otagosh:
Ames, it seems, is suffering health problems and Meredith, himself weighed down with the infirmities of age, has felt the need to designate a new successor. If you were expecting the elevation of Jim Meredith or one of the second-stringers on the Tomorrow’s World telecast you’d be disappointed. The Weston decision was rubber stamped at a recent meeting of LCG’s Council of Elders and the dauphin is reportedly now in the process of relocating to the sect HQ in Charlotte, NC.
A shudder should be running up the collective LCG spine. Weston is, according to Gary, well known as a conservative hardliner in a church that is already somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun.
If Weston ascends to the Throne of Roderick what can we expect?
First, every new broom sweeps clean. While heavily emphasizing continuity, you can be sure that Gerry the Unready will want to make his mark swiftly. Already the soon to be announced dauphin will have his little list conveniently tucked into a jacket pocket. Those who are offside with the boss-in-waiting should be afraid, very afraid.
Second, LCG has a surfeit – a veritable glut – of ministers with an abundant sense of self entitlement, many of whom will consider themselves far more suitable for the task. Weston will not ascend to the pontificate without cost. Initially things may seem fine on the surface, but the currents of ambition run deep in hierarchical organizations as we’ve seen demonstrated again and again. Expect a blood-letting without months, perhaps weeks of the transition (and you couldn’t entirely rule out days and hours).
There are even suggestions that Weston may be enthroned before Meredith shucks off this mortal coil, leaving the former Presiding Evangelist in an emeritus role. In Rome they locked away Benedict so he couldn’t interfere in his successor’s pontificate. Somehow, given Meredith’s personality and history, this doesn’t seem even remotely likely.
He adds:
Mind you, there’s many a slip between the announcement of an heir and the actual placement of the crown on their sacred bonce. But isn’t it nice to know that the soap opera, with a longevity greater than The Simpsons, still hasn’t completely played itself out? Fun times ahead!
So it is possible following process may be wasted effort for the LCG. Nevertheless, using our guidelines for the process is excellent practice. By following it, Living can come up with yet another shrewd, calculating, cold, conservative, hard liner continuing to preach British Israelism for yet another four decades of false prophecies until they go through this all again.

So we have triumphed either way.
Don’t argue with us — we’re experts!
Or, as the Who once sang in their immortal classic “Won’t Get Fooled Again”,
“Here’s the new boss; same as the old boss…..” (patented Pet Townshend arpegiated guitar chording, a final power chord, which then fades upon diminishing sustain). Horatio Cain then puts on his sunglasses, and the screen fades to commercial.
If ever there were a case for hiring talent from outside the company, this is it. No matter whom Uncle Roddy chose from his internal pool of talent, that individual woulld have been contaminated by the prevailing management style. A manager or executive in Armstrongite circles is basically their top cop.
They borrow from Jewish sources, but fail in understanding and application. I recently saw a film called “Calloused Hands.” In it, a young boy and his mother are leveraged by the grandfather through their financial needs into preparing the boy for bar mitzvah. What stood out to me was the loving, “old soul” personality of the rabbi who became involved in the process. People in the ACOGs would do well to watch this film to discover one of Armstrongism’s “missing dimensions”. My Jewish friends have consistently asked me, “How did your church get all of the horrible stuff you have described from Torah?”
What they need to do is hire outside talent to liquidate the assets and go out of business while the assets still have some value.
As another song says, “It Won’t Be Long Now”.
It’s about entropy.
For those who want to know what happened after nearly a decade, rest assured that Gerald Weston is still Evangelist (?) successor of Doctored Roderick Meredith and as president of the Living Church of God.
For those who might be interested in the… continuing fortunes of the Armstrongist Churches of God, Rick Shabi is the President of the Council of Elders for the United Church of God, an International Association. While some may think that the UcGaia is seriously declining, the latest figures from the Feast of Tabernacles 2024 suggest that the total association worldwide may be as much as 20,000, although that may be somewhat high. It certainly is higher than any other ACoG.
On-site attendance for 2024 Feast was 13,164—a 3.3% increase over 2023. Across the globe, 66 official Feast sites gathered together, along with 12 satellite sites. Many sites also offered webcasting services and phone call-in options, though the numbers for these are not included.
Everyone once in awhile, things change in the ACoGs, but after that, nothing ever changes.