Seven reasons why people join a cult

Just what do you mean by “cult”


The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and deceptive recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying. This is the definition that most people would agree with. Except the cults themselves of course!

Seven reasons why people join a cult:

    1. They Have No Idea It’s a Cult
      This ones for you armstrongites. The majority of people have no idea that the organization they are entering is in fact a cult. Gradual brainwashing prevents the adherent from noticing the subtle changes taking place within themselves.

    2. Fed Up with Society
      Some join a cult because of the injustice that they see in the world. Some join because they see a way of escaping the horrors of the world and seek isolation from these injustices.

    3. They Want Someone to Take Care of Them
      Some people want the protection of a parental figure (authority figure) who will save them from the outside world. The desire to be taken care of (having others think for you)  is what ultimately leads many people to stay in a cult.

    4. Low Self-Esteem
      In a religious cult, members are promised that in addition to receiving love and acceptance from others in the group, they will also receive a spiritual love and acceptance from a higher being. When anyone begins to question or doubt the organization, thing’s can quickly turn around. Cults punish anyone who questions authority, and are subjected to humiliation and  isolation. Fearing the loss of family, friendships and intimate relationships, people fear to speak out.

    5. Finding Purpose in Life
      Year after year, the world becomes more complex in which to live in. In times of uncertainty, when people feel lost, these groups offer absolute answers to questions that people have. Many people find it comforting to judge the world in the black and white terms of good and evil, right or wrong. Cult leaders offer simplistic solutions in a way that seem to makes sense, and they know how to motivate people to devote their life to the cause. Hitler was exceptional at this.

    6. Striving for Perfection
      The vast majority of cults teach their followers that they are superior to those outside the group. Elitist terms like “You are a particular people, or chosen people, called people”. This gives the member an “us vs. them” sort of mindset, where they see themselves as part of the upper echelon of society which eventually leads to members becoming socially isolated from those living in the outside world. The vast majority of people ended up joining a cult after having a long history of blaming other people in their lives for their problems or failures.

    7. Seductive Recruitment Process
      More often than not, a cult will promise to solve an issue in society that no one else is offering a solution to. They have all the answers.

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