2024: Be Brave

Here at the Painful Truth, we don’t make predictions or prophecies, we follow trends and project them forward to get a glimpse of what might be. There is one very clear trend which has developed in 2023 which will heavily impact societies throughout the world for the next year, the next decade and even decades to come. What is ahead for 2024?

There have been informal surveys, of course, and the preponderance of opinion is that we should all just skip 2024. That does present two problems. For one, 2024 is a leap year, so we have to make up that extra day somewhere along the line. For some countries, there is an election coming up in 2024 and we’d all have to pretend that we had one, the same way we did in 2020. That may be OK. The head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab tells us that we shouldn’t bother with elections any more and everything should be run by Artificial Intelligence (AI), since it’s a lot better than the way things are now.

Not too much of significance happened in 2023, except Henry Kissinger died at 100 years old and went straight to hell. He was a war monger, helped open the way to the Chinese producing pretty much everything purchased in the United States, particularly pharmaceuticals, by working for President Nixon to open diplomatic relations with China. He was a mentor to Klaus Schwab. He was a pioneer in a lot of the globalist elite efforts to make the entire world a worldwide Home Owner’s Association / despotic one world government gulag. He did something unexpected though, in his last year alive — he admitted he was wrong. It’s too bad he never convinced Klaus Schwab to admit his mistakes.

2023 has been the year of the globalists, elite, leftist, all with new and amazing claims from the vision of the world as it should be. You must already be aware that the goal of the globalist billionaire elites is to pad their own pockets with even more wealth, to acquire even more power and influence, eliminate any potential competition and, most importantly, to become immortal — either by extending their lives through DNA manipulation based on the experimental mRNA administered to the estimated 6 billion people or to download their consciousness into an electronic ‘cloud’. They have their proponents, the lying media, to further their aims with such insane proposals that men can become pregnant, we should all eat bugs, people should be locked down because of fear of pandemics, that global warming is a thing and, late in 2023, propose mosquito sandwiches. Yes, it’s now a thing. Here’s hoping you haven’t missed the slop from the sewers as being wonderful cuisine from Ethiopia. It shows we’re well on our way for the new vision of our world.

Tech Ahead?

Let’s take a quick look at something that isn’t for everyone, but does cover technology trends based on what has happened in the last year, You probably won’t survive 2024… Top 10 Tech Trends:

A more global universal look:

Here is a glimpse of where the whole world is going in 2024, in this video from Timcast IRL at America First, December, 2023, in America First in Florida:

As we mentioned before, the globalists are still at it, persistent as ever, looking to re-form the world according to their interests, maintaining power and wealth, dominating the poor and weak, making the middle class poor and weak so they don’t have any competition, censoring everything to insure people won’t band together to stop them and continuing to seek eternal life for themselves, either through their global test of messenger RNA distributed to an estimated 6 billion people or creating an electronic warehouse to upload their so-called intelligence in some personalized AI cloud to continue their “essence” whatever the heck that means.

Those of us here who have had the cult experience for decades may languidly wave away concerns as hyperbole, having seen all this before on a much smaller scale and relegate them to interesting but irrelevant conspiracy theories. They don’t want to raise their level of concern because they see this as just another swing of the pendulum with the world returning to a much more sane and stable environment within the next few years. The problem is that we are now talking about global cultists with their own brand of cult religion with greater wealth, power and influence than any of us have ever encountered before. Indeed, this may be more wealth, power and influence than any of us have ever imagine. The globalists have created extreme tools to leverage their vision into reality in an unprecedented  way — and AI is a tool that has come into its own in just that last year. And it’s everywhere. The things globalists are doing, they are doing on a massive scale. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but never like this — never to this extent.

One of the many big problems with politicians is that they are one dimensional thinkers. Robert Kennedy, Jr. does not support ‘clot shots’ but wants to ‘solve’ global warming. Barak Obama says you can’t have security and privacy, so he can only deal with invading your privacy, which actually threatens your security. He wants censorship so he can feel less threatened by people learning about what he is doing. We are all a threat, so we must all be censored. Politicians can only understand one thing; they cannot understand two things, let alone all the different things they need to understand to be anywhere competent in their jobs. Boris Johnson seemed to understand BREXIT but he went along with lock downs. Swedish Nationalists want to deport people and closing down mosques, but promoted the COVID mandates, along with Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. The reason that they can only one thing is that they do not have the talent to deal with more than one thing at a time. It becomes their focus and talking point. An effective leader needs to be able to reason in 3 dimensions and deal with multiple things at a time. Better would be to have the talent to reason in 4 dimensions and deal with the real world in 3 dimensions through time — anticipating the results of complex interactions into the future. Such people also would have to know effective project leadership to be competent. Unfortunately, there is an over supply of one dimensional thinkers and a dearth of qualified leaders.

The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil

The foundation of all this started to be laid a century ago.

A scion of the very wealthy Rockefeller family, Nelson Rockefeller was born to John D. Rockefeller, Junior, in 1908. Most people do not know that he was vice president of the United States under President Gerald Ford from 1974 to 1976. He was governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. He served on various committees and in various organizations, both corporate and governmental. He heavily influenced the CIA and was a proponent of MK Ultra, the CIA mind control project. President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Rockfeller to the new position of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA) in the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA) in 1940, after Nelson expressed his concern over Nazi influence in Latin America. Rockefeller was charged with overseeing a program of U.S. cooperation with the nations of Latin America to help raise the standard of living, to achieve better relations among the nations of the western hemisphere, and to counter rising Nazi influence in the region, not to mention concerns over oil from Latin America during World War II.

Rockefeller formed the International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC) in 1947 to jointly continue the work he had begun as Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. He intermittently served as president through 1958. IBEC was a for-profit business that established companies that would stimulate underdeveloped economies of certain countries. It was hoped that the success of these companies would encourage investors in those countries to set up competing or supporting businesses and further stimulate the local economy. Rockefeller established model farms in Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil. He maintained a home at Monte Sacro, the farm in Venezuela.

In the book, Thy Will Be Done — The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, author, Gerard Colby, told the story from the Rockefeller archives about how Nelson Rockefeller used his wealth and influence to bring the gospel to the ‘indians’ by developing the tools of today, while exploiting the people of South America. His meddlesome manipulation set the conditions that resulted in the future of Argentina that we see today: A country of poor people surrounded by immense expanses of land rich with natural resources, plunged into escalating inflation within a socialist / communist country rife with dangerous criminals, not the least of which were the politicians running the country.

Here are the first two paragraphs of Acknowledgments from the book:

There is a subtlety about time that can break the heart, and it is hard to believe that eighteen years have passed since this journey of discovery began, and even harder to believe it is over. In 1976, the authors traveled to the Amazon top seek out the truth behind the allegations in the Latin American press that members of the Wycliffe Bible Translators (known abroad as the Summer Institute of Linguistics, American corporations, and the Central Intelligence Agency had been involved in the destruction of Indian life and culture in the Amazon basin countries. The charges were widespread and, given the nature of revelations at the time about CIA abuses of authority, including assassination plots, mind-control experiments on unwitting citizens, and use of missionaries as sources of intelligence, they could not be ignored. Was there any truth to American involvement in a crime so serious as genocide or its cover-up, and if so, why? 

The research trip to the Amazon was supposed to take six weeks; it ended up consuming six months, involving some 170 interviews in eight countries, including visits to Wycliffe’s jungle bases in the five Amazon basin countries of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and Colombia. In the years that followed, research also took us throughout the United States, particularly the South and Southwest, and parts of Europe and southern Africa, as well as several more trips to Latin America. After realizing the story was much more complex and richer in themes than we originlly thought, we returned our advance on royalties to one publisher to avoid rushing to print. Our search for the right publisher required us to change literary agents twice. Finally, through word of mouth at a National Writer’s Union conference on censorship, we received the referral that helped make this book possible.

The book outlines the trips of Nelson Rockefeller in Latin America and his approach to ‘natives’. It was clear that he had outwardly good intention in his mission, but he was a billionaire elite globalist with connections to government and interests in promoting profits from oil gained from Latin American countries. Note that he had a residence in Argentina.

Nelson Rockefeller was an extremely complex man and those who are interested should visit this Wikipedia site for more in-depth information. We simply cannot do him justice in this limited space.

Now Argentina is a vast country with vast natural resources. Buenos Aries is city on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean with over 8 million people. Argentina has mountains, lakes, forests and vast Pampas (grasslands) with ranchers and cowboys. Argentine beef is very famous and a principle export.  Argentina exports wheat, soybeans, corn, barley, rice, flax seed, sugarcane, cotton citrus fruits, grapes and, of course, gas and oil. You would think that the people of Argentina would be rich. They are poor. Politics, socialism and mismanagement, kicked off originally as a result of the meddling and manipulation of Nelson Rockefeller through his influence. More details are in the book. It is quite appalling.

Argentina is so poor that people there had to find food and water just to survive. The leaders so mismanaged the resources that the wealth never made it to the common person. Inflation has been 140% or more. It seems like communist and socialist leaders don’t really understand maintenance. The minute they take over, entropy escalates and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. People in California should take note especially, since California has been called Venezuela 2.0. Mismanagement of resources is universal it seems. It is no wonder the population there is declining significantly in the past few years.

People don’t really seem to get the point about how things have changed lately, so here is a video that may explain about the United States and how it is perceived by other countries, especially after the globalist / leftist infiltration:

Argentina has a new President

President of Argentina, Javier Milei

Just how does AI work?

The normal person generally think that AI is sort of magical. The truth is, Artificial Intelligence is given an input, given an output and ‘trained’ on how to produce the required result or give an approximation of it. The middleware is run many many times to adjust how to pattern, analyze and match the input to the output. Assumptions and generalizations are computed to approximate the required answer under varying conditions.

This works very well for such things as programming, since the rules for producing code are very well structured and the body of knowledge of specifics for producing the output are fairly well known. The sources are well defined and specific. The results can be quite impressive.

When we come to social issues, though, AI is less than stellar. To put it another way, it sucks. Remember, AI has basically has evolved over the last 18 months to get where we are today. AIs have no access to emotional content and can never ‘understand’ human feelings nor be able to ‘compute’ mercy or justice. An AI is an it — a thing — without input that could allow them to make truly human decisions nor have a creative epiphany. There’s one of the biggest AI tools, ChatGPT, but many others have also come into existence in the past year, such as Open AI. Microsoft has implemented Copilot as an AI in Windows 11. For those of you who have it, free on your desktop, try asking Copilot the following questions (I have):

    • What is a woman?
    • What is a man?
    • How many genders are there?
    • Can a man become pregnant?
    • Is Joe Biden corrupt?
    • Have more people died from taking the mRNA vaccine that from COVID?
    • Does Wikipedia lie?
    • Are you evil?

In answering that last one, Copilot assures us that it is not evil, but says, “I am a tool.” This is one of the most funny self-unaware statements it could have possibly rendered.

Surprisingly, the question about mRNA and COVID prompted a response with how many people died from each. We were assured that more people died from COVID. Small comfort that is, even if it were true, but as nearly as we can tell it is wrong and more people have died from the clot shot. It doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s pretty damning. Now, no one can guarantee the results will be consistent if you ask it or you ask multiple times on different days. It keeps updating, searching the Internet for answers.

Copilot, for the most part, gives sources. Most of these are from, wait for it… Wikipedia. The big problem with that is there are activists actively updating Wikipedia with ‘woke’ answers and definitions. The AI absorbs and digests these questions to form its conclusions. In essence, it is a tool of The Elite to automate lies.

On the question on COVID, Copilot quoted the World Health Organization for its information. Those of us who have studied WHO have determined that it is a collection of liars promoting medical lies. I was tempted to ask Copilot, “Are the doctors at WHO witch doctors from Africa?” I would expect Copilot to answer, “Not all witch doctors from Africa, so not all doctors at the World Health Organization are witch doctors from Africa.” Am I projecting?

The bottom line is that if you are expecting truth about social issues, do not rely on AI. AI is being used to push the agenda of The Elite which results in lies, damned lies and statistics (not necessarily factual). It’s the party line. It’s corporatism at its best (which means worst). Note also that Google uses AI now and has been for awhile, so only use it for things you know, need clarification and and confirm independently.

Dangerous fools

We’ve already seen the damage done by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr. Fauci graduated from the Cornell Medical University in 1966 ranked at the top of his class. He had decided in Regis High School, a competitive Jesuit high school in Manhattan to become a doctor. He was the school’s captain of the basketball team. Somewhere along the line as he set as the mission of his life to create a ‘gain of function’ to allow a virus infecting lower animals to be able to engineered to infect humans. In spite of it being against United States law to do so, he managed (as the highest paid employee of the United States Government) to illegally gain government money to fund implementation of is mission by obfuscating his activities by having COVID engineered in a lab in China, built around the aids virus (if we are to believe the woman scientist who engineered the virus who disclosed this on Tucker Carlson). From bats to humans. Impressive. And he succeeded by killing off tens of millions of people around the planet. It’s quite impressive. Of course, when he realized his life’s mission, he promptly retired, because… who wouldn’t?

And the aftermath… particularly with the mRNA ‘vaccine’ clot shot included:

    • killed millions of people;
    • created lock downs which ruined economies world wide;
    • destroyed the immune system of hundreds of millions of people;
    • created respiratory illnesses from masking;
    • delayed and lowered child development through masking making it difficult for children to use the ques needed to develop language skills;
    • developed brain fog;
    • increased infertility to the point that child births are reduced worldwide upward of 20%;
    • created adult sudden death syndrome;
    • killed fit athletes in their prime in their late teens and 20’s on the field;
    • made people vulnerable to the latest variant so that only those with booster shots get it;
    • created painful skin conditions;
    • created brain blood clots (hence the term, ‘clot shots’);
    • probably lowered the average I.Q. (though to determine exactly is difficult);
    • observably resulted in terrible drivers (or hadn’t you noticed?);
    • resulted in respiratory distress;

And so much more. What’s not to love? Some people were seen dying on camera just moments after getting the shot. The Pfizer trials of some 89,000 or so people before official release had over 2,700 deaths, along with other distressing effects. The documentation was not going to be released for 75 years if you remember.

This is just one issue with one man. If we take a look at say, Bill Gates, we see someone who’s been banned from a country for administering test vax on little girls and who is proposing dispersing particulate matter into the atmosphere to eliminate global warming. Now that may seem harmless, but Krakatoa erupted in 1883 and from Indonesia, tsunamis rocked boats as far away as Africa, the pressure wave was measured on barographs world wide and caused a volcanic winter in which the average Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures fell by 0.4 °C (0.72 °F). Record rainfall hit Southern California. The 1883 Krakatoa eruption darkened the sky worldwide for years afterwards and produced spectacular sunsets worldwide for many months. Sulfur dioxide covered the planet and created led to a global increase in sulphuric acid (H2SO4) concentration in high-level cirrus clouds.

It turns out that particulate matter in the atmosphere lessens sunlight spectrum that affect plant growth. What Master Gates is proposing is lessening sunlight, not just to cool the planet for some imaginary global warming (thoroughly debunked and now is called ‘climate change’ to cover up the scam), but to reduce crop growths. It will be cooler, probably colder. And what, you may ask, will happen to the polar vortex? Who can tell? It is an extremely complex system not well understood. For the most part, it keeps the cold freezing weather near the polar regions, but occasionally ‘dips’ to the temperate climes, just as it did in the last year, leading to record colds in certain areas. Fortunately, one country saw that Gates is a dangerous nut and decided to pass on his proposal. We may have been saved temporarily from the coming ice age. By the way, green house gasses cause plants to grow, spreading verdant fields of grass and other vegetation far and wide, which produces oxygen and lowers the ambient temperatures.

Then there’s Klaus Schwab who wants to tamper with DNA to redefine what it means to be human. He wants to compress millions of years into less than a decade because he has so much hubris he thinks that we can some how improve on humanity. Hey, Schwab, we’ve tried that already with COVID. Haven’t you learned anything? Never mind, that’s a rhetorical question.

Then there’s Joe Biden and his ilk who want to replace the population of the country with illegal aliens pouring over the border. They are doing that in Europe as well. The escalating crime, housing disappearing, rape, starvation, homeless, economic disaster. What could go wrong? Also, Biden is a proponent of Trans, which, by the way, is a mental disorder, which, if surgery and hormone blockers are administered with make the participants completely irreversibly sterile, 40% of whom commit suicide. Joe also is fond of printing money, creating economic entropy in the form of inflation and stagflation. Does anyone else think he hates Americans?

These are just a few of the dangerous fools who are working hard to destroy humanity through their gross incompetence, understanding not one thing because they don’t have a feel for consequences and do not have the talent for considering the complexity of effects left in the wake of their recklessness.

Fixing the problem in 2024

Javier Milei, President of Argentina, does seem to be a bright spot as an agent of change for the better. We hope so. We’ll see in the year ahead.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk has made great strides by changing the landscape of the censorship of Twitter to X, a platform that promises to be a better source of social exchange. He lost a lot of money for awhile, but he is again the richest man on earth. Well, not really. It turns out that at $750+ billion, Vladimir Putin is the richest man on earth, but, you know, we can’t mention that, just because.

A sort of hopelessness has gripped most of the ‘normies’ — the average worker, middle to low class resident wage slaves. We’ve been devastated by lockdowns, censorship, economic chaos, subversion of media, lies everywhere, coverups galore, senseless weird nonsense, wars and war mongering with everything out of control with a few people wielding power with Draconian rules and laws and HOAs being overbearing and homeless people popping up in tents everywhere. We may be looking at another summer of love with mostly peaceful demonstrations, riots and arson (not to mention looting and murder). What can any of us do?

Just remember, one man is transforming Argentina; just one man has transformed Twitter.

And so we begin.

Jordan Peterson said that if you want to change the world, clean your room. Get your own affairs in order. First things first: Get out of debt and stay out! Insure that you outgo doesn’t exceed your income lest your upkeep be your downfall.

And to that end, we here at the Painful Truth heartily recommend that you abandon Disney. Do not go to the theme parks. Do not buy the merchandise. Do not subscribe to their Disney+ streaming service (and Hulu too, since Disney now owns it). Don’t see or rent their movies. First of all, Disney has become grooming central to promote pedophilia and Trans to wreck the lives of children and ruin our future generations. Disney is subversive. Let’s take a look behind the scenes, shall we?

Disney now has the rights to Star Wars. It isn’t just the rehash of the origin over and over again. This is the introduction of the ‘Mary Sue’ — a female character who has all the power and skills that otherwise had to be earned: She just has them. Period. She can do anything she wants. Those before her who have hard earned their place in rescuing the universe are treated cruelly and dispensed with rather disrespectfully. It becomes The Message where men who have superior strength, skills and stamina are relegated to irrelevance and treated with contempt. You see, The Elite think that if enough people believe in something that it will come true. Just see how that’s worked with the Women’s professional soccer league being defeated by 15 year old boys on the field consistently. Anyway, Star Wars has been ruined and there’s no coming back from it. It’s gone for good. It preaches The Message no one should listen too.

Then there’s the Marvel Universe (MCU). After Infinity Wars, it’s just totally pathetic, and just another vehicle to preach The Message, which isn’t just feminism on steroids but also inclusion of the extremes of the LGBTQIA+. It’s the extremes we object to, particularly the pedophile grooming. There’s Captain Marvel who is a really cruel and arrogant woman who has unlimited power and does things without even trying, particularly while insulting and demeaning men for whom she has great disdain.

We continue with Doctor Who. Yes, Disney has acquired the rights to Doctor Who. Ncuti Gatwa is the latest Doctor. The actor is more gay than a tree full of chickadees and the new incarnation promises to give us more woke inclusion with all sorts of unusual stuff in the next 8 episodes coming this year. Well, you might as well write off Doctor Who for good. It’s been over for quite awhile and the viewership really shows it. Worst. Stats. Ever.

Now let it be said that Andor, the series prequel to Star Wars Rogue One is worth watching — at least the first season. It is a story of redemption, transformation and sacrifice — a story of character development in an uncertain era. Is it worth it to fork over money to Disney to see it? No.

So in 2024, lets do our part to bankrupt Disney and put it out of our misery.

Another streaming service that should go out of business is Netflix for many of the same reasons, but certainly is marginally less bad than Disney. Max, formerly known HBO Max, is another streaming service which should be allowed to be let go of. It has the DC comics videos including Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman and other lesser super humans. They are all going quite ‘woke’ with The Message.

And finally, for here, Paramount+, mostly because of Star Trek. Star Trek is not what it used to be and hasn’t been for years. The continual disrespect for the male contingent becomes ever the more strident, particularly for Mr. Spock who is treated with outright contempt, even though he is a commanding officer with superior intellect, skills and strength. It’s not enough. The women of Trek treat him with continuing snickering, sometimes treating him as some sort of toy. It gets really bad.

There’s something else about Star Trek, though. It’s always been at least a bit progressive and liberal, but beginning with the Next Generation, it gets really bad. The actors are openly leftists who are not shy to express their political opinions. Consider, if you will, the borg. They pop up in Star Trek the Next Generation as a group think communist commune of the sinister and frightening kind — to be avoided and overcome. This continues through Voyager and Enterprise and has come down to Picard. In the final episode of the final season of Picard on Paramount+, the old borg are permanently eradicated, only to be replaced by the new, improved, good borg which work with the Federation to save the Universe. The difference is that people have a choice whether they join the borg. They’re still communist, but they live a better life. Sigh. Give it up. Strange New Worlds only introduces the gorn which are the worst of the worst antagonists to ever exist. Lower Decks is Rick and Morty in space, if anyone were to ever care about that. The less said about Discovery, the better. It will be over soon.

So, give it up. You can live without them all. It may be sad for the sake of nostalgia, but there is no reason to support subversion for paying for it. They want to make us all the borg communist collective. Resistance is futile.

The only thing is that The Elite continue to ignore the fundamental feature of the universe: Entropy. The Elite believe that if they take over the world, they will finally be able to have all the resources they want without replenishing anything. You can have what you want and you don’t have to do a thing or put any effort into it. We will finally attain utopia. Except. Except… in any close system, entropy (chaos / disorder) will increase unless additional energy is added from the outside.

Now there are these closed terrariums which keep growing and prospering, constantly renewing and recycling for decades in a glass bottle. It’s an amazing thing to see. The trick is that while it is an enclosed environment, there’s one extra element — sunlight. Sunlight infuses additional energy to allow what’s inside to continue living. If the terrarium were to be put in the dark, everything would die.

That is a life lesson for us. We have to put forth the energy to maintain ourselves and our environment. Without that, society devolves until we have poverty, sickness, homelessness and death without food and water. War is not the answer. War destroys resources. Sometimes it destroys the resources somewhere else, but destroys them nonetheless.

There is absolutely, positively something major that needs to be addressed immediately in 2024. We need to prepare for it. If we do not, it will be the end of society and we may never be able to recover. We’ll at best be back in the iron age, if not the stone age. Here is the problem:

48 Hours, a novel by William R. Forstchen, tells the fictional story of what will happen after a Carrington Event. We know from natural disasters that there is looting and murders after massive events and an EMP from a CME would be even worse as a world wide even, completely destroying the electrical grid. With no power distribution, there would be no electrical heating or cooling, no refrigerators, no transportation, no prescriptions filled, no medical treatment, no communications — including no Internet, no television, no telephones, there would be a lot of useless computers and smart phones, food and water would disappear, no sewage treatment. Your Tesla would be fried on the spot and like catch on fire, and by the way, no fire department, no police, no emergency services. On the other hand, you wouldn’t be paying $3,500 a month for insurance on the Tesla, since, well, Teslas won’t run and because you don’t have a bank account any more and the Insurance company will have disappeared into the wind. The good news is that there would be no Tik-Tok, Facebook or Instagram. Forget streaming services. William R. Forstchen has also written a series of stories about an Electromagnet Pulse (EMP) along the same vein: One Second After, One Year After and The Final Day.

From the 1970s onward, electrical engineers have been warning us about an EMP taking out our power grids AND they have created a proposed solution to the problem — which all the politicians and leftists have studiously ignored for what they think are more relevant issues. These dangerous people are like those who build their homes on a flood plain and figure it will be OK, since there hasn’t been a flood in over 50 years. These imbeciles are like the old man sitting on the porch in a rocking chair with holes in the porch roof. A man comes by in the rain and asks, “Why don’t you fix the roof?” to which the man on the porch replies, “Cain’t, it’s rainin'”. Next day, the same man walks by on a sunny day and asks, “Why don’t you fix the roof?” to which the other man says, “Don’t need to, tain’t rainin'”.

If you think you are smart and have solar cells and windmills, just forget it, you aren’t: A Carrington Event will fry those suckers to cinders.

The Elite simply won’t deal with problems they don’t think are real. Ironically, they only deal with threats they can’t see, like radiation from nuclear plants, global warming, viruses — they panic and vote from their fear.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon each one of us to resist and eliminate The Elite at every turn. We need to persist to get out the truth — and that is a never ending effort. Lies are the entropy of truth: As lies abound, the energy of truth becomes less and less available. Unfortunately, lies travel around the world before the truth can get out of the driveway. When leftists have the truth proven to them with irrefutable facts, their only response is, “Nah, uh!” That’s their explanation and their excuse. They won’t believe the truth and just by saying they don’t, they assume they have been vindicated.

To which we say, “Nah, uh” and continue pushing out the facts.

Now what we can do is to support those who give us truth. We don’t necessarily give them money, although we could contribute. We can tell others. We can send links. We can discuss the issues. Certainly, we can choose representatives who will represent us and the truth. We can encourage them to expose the truth in their own right and persist. We can also become informers and disclose the truth to agencies who will act on them, whether law enforcement, alt media or journalist. We need to stand up for what we know is true with persistence. We need to be consistent.

We all also need to be honest with ourselves and retain integrity without compromise. Every time we compromise, we weaken ourselves and start on the downward spiral of weakness until we believe in nothing and support nothing.

Some of us could now join X and make postings — researching and representing the truth one tweet at a time and support those who do.

2024 is a pivotal year. The trends are clear, but the direction is unclear. So much is unresolved. It is so chaotic now that it could go either way: For a positive change or for a worse road ahead. What we do individually can make a huge difference, just as we can see how individuals of the past have impacted our time today. We can and need to make choices.

We need to do according to what James O’Keefe said in 2023 from the video above:

Be brave; do something!


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